How to use this blog: The content you see here will primarily be pieces of interest discovered during our processing. We may pick a member card, or roster list, or photograph that lists the names of several people. Each post will be categorized according to subject - including surnames. All subjects and surnames can be found on the right hand
side of the screen under the "labels" section. If you want to scan the list of surnames only as discovered within this collection, we will have a "Surnames" tab at the top next to "About Us". This surname index will only give you a point of reference to see if this collection might apply to your research. As the documents are digitized, the complete collection will have a free access home on Pastology.com, with a complete searchable index. The location of the material will be coming soon as the actual scanning process begins. Keep checking back for future announcements regarding the location of the documents within that external web site.

Again, we encourage you to pass the word along to those you know from the Cincinnati area who might have connections to this church and its group of faithful members. At a future date, the current church New Hope, in conjunction with this project, will be calling for former members to come forward for oral history interviews. Once these interviews are conducted, a more complete story will be submitted to the historical society that will be taking all of the original material for permanent safekeeping. For those of you who are just history buffs or interested in Cincinnati's past, this is an exciting project.....we'd love to hear from anyone who enjoys the blog/access, or who has anything to add!
Thanks for stopping by - and pass please it on!
Cheri Daniels - Project Manager, Pastology.com